SQL Query to Find Out the Locked Objects and Type of Lock



The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
Here is the query to find the locked object, mode of locks etc. 

Providing 2 different queries. 

SQL Query

SELECT a.sid, a.serial#, a.username, c.os_user_name
 , a.program, a.logon_time, a.machine, a.terminal
 , b.object_id, substr(b.object_name,1,40) object_name
 , DECODE(c.locked_mode,1, 'No Lock',
                        2, 'Row Share',
                        3, 'Row Exclusive',
                        4, 'Shared Table',
                        5, 'Shared Row Exclusive',
                        6, 'Exclusive') locked_mode
from v$session a, dba_objects b, v$locked_object c
where a.sid = c.session_id
and b.object_id = c.object_id;

Sample Output

USERNAME             SESS_ID    OBJECT                    OBJECT_TYPE             STATUS       MODE_HELD
-------------------- ---------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ------------ ----------
 (oracle)            5654,44423 SYS.SXXABC_ACCESS$        TABLE                   Global       Row-X (SX)
 (oracle)            5654,44423 SYS.SXXABC_ACCESS$        TABLE                   Global       Row-X (SX)
 (oracle)            5654,44423 SYS.SXXABC_ACCESS$        TABLE                   Global       Row-X (SX)
SQL Query
col sess_serial for a15
col Object_ID_locked_mode for a35
col MAC_TERM for a45
SELECT a.sid|| ',' ||a.serial# sess_serial, a.username || ',' || c.os_user_name username
 , a.program, a.logon_time, a.machine || ',' || a.terminal mac_term
 , b.object_id|| ',' ||substr(b.object_name,1,40) || ',' ||
  DECODE(c.locked_mode,1, 'No Lock',
                        2, 'Row Share',
                        3, 'Row Exclusive',
                        4, 'Shared Table',
                        5, 'Shared Row Exclusive',
                        6, 'Exclusive') Object_ID_locked_mode
from v$session a, dba_objects b, v$locked_object c
where a.sid = c.session_id
and b.object_id = c.object_id;

Sample Output

SESS_SERIAL     USERNAME             PROGRAM                                          LOGON_TIM MAC_TERM                                      OBJECT_ID_LOCKED_MODE
--------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------- --------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
5654,44423      ,oracle              oracle@proddc102123.madc2.trigger.com            19-SEP-21 proddc102123.madc2.trigger.com,UNKNOWN   520,SXVCS_ACCESS$,Row Exclusive


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