Script to Check ASM Diskgroup Compatibility

COMPATIBLE.ASM (v$asm_diskgroup. COMPATIBILITY) – The minimum version of the ASM software that can access the disk group. In 11g,

Script to Check Disk group Freespace & Mount Status

SQL Script

set pages 1000 lines 120
col NAME for a16

SQL Script to Check Disk Group & Disks Details

SQL Script

set pages 1000 lines 333
col PATH for a50

SQL Script to Find out ASM Disk Details

Here is the SQL script to find out ASM Disk Details.

set pages 10000 lines 250 
column path format a55

Direct Method to Create Database Link Without Using TNSnames.ora

Normal method – Using TNSnames service name 

This method requires the TNS entry to be added in the TNSnames.ora file as mentioned below. 


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