Create a tablespace - USER_DATA
Create a user - USER_APP
SQL Query to check the quota details.
create tablespace user_data datafile '/u02/oradata/CDB/user_data_01.dbf' size 500m;
Create a user - USER_APP
create user user_app identified by user ;
Allocate Quota to the user USER_APP on tablespace USER_DATA
alter user user_app quota 100m on user_data;
SQL Query to check the quota details.
set pages 1000 lines 120 col usr_name for a20 col tbs_name for a20 col Quota_allocated for a15 select username usr_name, tablespace_name tbs_name, decode(max_bytes, -1, 'UNLIMITED', max_bytes/1024/1024) Quota_allocated, bytes/1024 used, dropped from dba_ts_quotas where username='USER_APP' order by 1,2 /
SQL to allocate unlimited quota on tablespace
alter user user_app quota unlimited on user_data;
SQL> create tablespace user_data datafile '/u02/oradata/CDB/user_data_01.dbf' size 500m Tablespace created. SQL> create user user_app identified by user ; User created. SQL> alter user user_app quota 100m on user_data; User altered. SQL> set pages 1000 lines 120 col usr_name for a20 col tbs_name for a20 col Quota_allocated for a15 select username usr_name, tablespace_name tbs_name, decode(max_bytes, -1, 'UNLIMITED', max_bytes/1024/1024) Quota_allocated, bytes/1024 used, dropped from dba_ts_quotas where username='USER_APP' order by 1,2 / SQL> USR_NAME TBS_NAME QUOTA_ALLOCATED USED DRO -------------------- -------------------- --------------- ---------- --- USER_APP USER_DATA 100 0 NO SQL> alter user user_app quota unlimited on user_data; User altered. SQL> set pages 1000 lines 120 col usr_name for a20 col tbs_name for a20 col Quota_allocated for a15 select username usr_name, tablespace_name tbs_name, decode(max_bytes, -1, 'UNLIMITED', max_bytes/1024/1024) Quota_allocated, bytes/1024 used, dropped from dba_ts_quotas where username='USER_APP' order by 1,2 / USR_NAME TBS_NAME QUOTA_ALLOCATED USED DRO -------------------- -------------------- --------------- ---------- --- USER_APP USER_DATA UNLIMITED 0 NO
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